Hope 24/7 is currently accepting new clients for intakes. Please call or browse our website for services or programs that meet your needs.
Hope 24/7 no longer provides services under the provincially funded Sexual Assault Centre and Anti-Human Trafficking programs.
Persons seeking services under these programs should please contact Victim Services of Peel 24/7 Crisis Line 905 – 568 -1068.
Community Support and Outreach Services are provided by our Gender-Based Violence Team.
Our services are modelled to encourage a safe educational environment to engage the community in catalyzing self-determination and foster independence.
Events, workshops, public engagement and programming
Connecting and partnering with other organizations
Referrals and resources with other services
Harm reduction
Community Room (free wifi, computer access, resources, printing)
In-office pantry (hygiene products, non-perishable food items, toys, and clothing)
Activism and advocacy
Do you need access to any of the following?
Free wifi
Computer access
Microsoft Office
Quiet Room
Variety of available resources
Join us in...
Building your resume
Online job hunting
Completing homework
Reading a book and relaxing
Printing forms and more...!
Community Room
Our in-office community room is open to anyone who needs it.
Please call our office ahead of time to book a computer.
If you require staff assistance, please let us know.
Past Workshops
Youth Council
Mindful Expressions for Seniors
Colour Me Caribbean
Financial and Legal Workshops
Transcending Trauma